Tooth Decay: Early Signs in Children

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Every kid is susceptible to tooth decay. Baby teeth have softer and thinner enamel than adult teeth, which raises the potential for decay and other dental problems. Although this is preventable, it’sit’s crucial to take good care of your child’s teeth from the early stages, nonetheless. To ensure your child’s dental health is in great shape, schedule frequent appointments with our children’s dentist near you.

Causes of Tooth Decay in Children

Sugary foods and beverages can encourage the growth of bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria create acid, which erodes the enamel on your teeth. Saliva assists in repairing this damage, but if it persists over time and causes more harm than it can fix, a cavity or “hollow” develops in the tooth.

Signs of Tooth Decay in Children

Early childhood decay takes time to appear and can be challenging to spot in its initial stages. Here are some indicators of dental decay development:

The first sign of decay 

The area of the tooth nearest to the gum line is dull white during this stage.

Progression to decay 

A yellow, brown, or black band starts to appear on the tooth surface close to the gum line.

Advanced decay

Dentition with a brownish-black line along the gumline or teeth.

Consult a dentist near you if your child is showing any of the warnings above signs; the sooner you do so, the more effectively these health problems and complications can be treated.

Importance of Early Detection of Tooth Decay in Young Children

A dentist or other oral health expert can address early childhood decay to prevent further condition development. Early childhood decay is typically not discovered until the later, more severe stages because the early stages can be challenging to see. It is completely irreversible, and the kid may require extensive dental treatment.

Visit our expert dentist in Dearborn for regular dental checkups. If you notice any changes in your child’s dental health, schedule your appointment immediately to avoid further damage. 

Which Children Are at Risk for Tooth Decay?

Children of all ages are prone to cavities because they have bacteria in their mouths. However, the following may make your kiddo more susceptible to it:

  • Extremely high bacterial levels in the mouth
  • Extreme consumption of sugary food and beverages
  • Fluoride levels in water supplies are low or absent.
  • Poor dental care 
  • Less saliva flow than normal

When a child visits a dental office and has their teeth professionally inspected, dental professionals can determine if they have dental decay. By learning about your child’schild’s medical and dental history, performing dental examinations, and taking impressions, the dentist will inspect your child’s mouth to assess the emergence of cavities.

How is Tooth Decay Treated in a Child?

The course of treatment is determined by your child’s age, overall health, and symptoms. Furthermore, it will depend on how severe the condition is.

In most cases, the decayed portion of the tooth must be removed and replaced with a dental filling. Fillings are substances inserted in teeth to fix decay-related damage. Another name for this type of repair is restoration. There are various kinds of fillings:

Direct restoration: 

A filling is placed directly into the hole during a single visit for this procedure. These coatings can be created from resin, glass powder, acrylic acids, silver, or fine glass powders. They are tooth colored, which gives a natural-looking appearance. 

Indirect restorations: 

It might take two or more visits. They consist of crowns, bridges, veneers, inlays, and onlays. These are made of composite materials, ceramics, primary metal alloys, or gold. Many of these substances can resemble dental enamel in appearance.

Preventing Tooth Decay in Young Children

Early adoption of healthful eating and cleaning practices can stop tooth decay in young children.

Here are just a few measures you can adopt to prevent tooth decay from manifesting on your child’s smile: 

  • Ensuring they consume a healthy diet 
  • Brushing and flossing regularly 
  • Routine dental checkups
  • Use dentist-recommended fluoride supplements
  • Consider dental sealants 

Visit Royal Dentistry if you are looking for a children’s dentist in Dearborn to address your child’schild’s dental health concerns. Our team of experts can help restore your child’s oral health in a comfortable environment. 

Contact us to schedule an appointment that works for you and your family!